Thursday, September 23, 2010


My father has schizophrenia, manic depression/bipolar and he cursed me with the same illness. Today I found out I had believed a lie for 20 years. I found out the reason he let me go was because he knew that he was unhealthy and could never be the father that I need/deserved. I hated him all these years, and i am ashamed of myself. I hope it is true that a man can die and yet not only live in others but give them life, and not only life, but that great consciousness of life. Here's to the crazy ones.

The misfits. The rebels.
The troublemakers. The round
pegs in the square holes - the
ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules and
they have no respect for
the status quo. You can praise
them, disagree with them,
quote them, disbelieve them,
glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing that you
can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.

- Jack Kerouac

God save me make my craziness. I wan't my friends back

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